As we must expand our capital searches in this economy to funding sources outside of our immediate industry insiders, we now continue our exploration of clearer, simpler language for the pitch for capital (see more on this topic posted under writing & pitching)....
I’ve been reviewing several pitches for capital written by some of my new clients who are Internet entrepreneurs. These pitches are generally targeting venture capitalists who invest in new Internet companies. We are working together to expand our capital strategy...
I have been in a series of meetings with early-stage technology companies lately, discussing strategic capital. These founders and CEOs started developing their technology before the current economic crisis, and have rightly continued their progress. Some have...
I’ve been out and about lately, speaking at conferences, visiting colleagues, seeing clients in remote places and meeting new contacts and prospects. The entire range of the economic condition is on view: employees with secure jobs, consultants with long-term...
Work engagements – jobs, top management positions, consulting gigs – are no longer secure. As the current recession has shown (again), loyalty to your job does not always mean that the Company’s promises are kept. Capital commitments from investors not yet in the...
Recent posts have dealt with entrepreneurs and their consultants planning the endgame of the entrepreneur’s company. Now let’s consider how consulting practices survive during downturns. A consulting practice is itself, of course, an entrepreneurial venture. As a...