When I was 27, and just beginning to build my consulting practice, I lived in an apartment carved out of an 1860’s townhouse, in a row of townhouses, on the flat of Beacon Hill in Boston. The neighborhood has an annual “tour of the flower boxes” which spurs us all to...
I’ve just had a one of those 360 degree Internet-connected linking feedback experiences. I read a book. After reading it, I checked what its readers had to say in the community known as Amazon. I found I agreed with everyone who voiced an opinion, both good and...
Clarisse was a jazz dancer from New York, built short and rounded in the right places, not with a dancer’s narrow body. Rarely did anyone see her dance. But once at a party she stepped onto the floor and it was like watching mercury move with intention. Fluid...
“What no one tells you about raising investment capital” is an interview with me by Terry Corbell, and is posted today in his regular column “The Biz Coach” – Washington’s longest-running business column, since 2001 the Money News page appearing at...
One of my favorite, sweet hearted entrepreneurs once said, “The family is coming home from holiday next week – then the pressure will begin.” And she was one of my kinder clients! Another (years ago) told me he was spending 4 nights out of 7 sleeping on his techie’s...
noun, company stock that is not liquid, that can’t be sold There are lots of companies with great technology and no nickels just now. Should you work for no cash and vapor paper, on-the-come, for an exciting company? Just as we have “vaporware” – software that isn’t...