I always hear about the passion of the entrepreneur, and the dedication of the small business owner. I am used to working alongside my CEO clients with long hours, late nights and an impassioned focus on the vision of the company. But every once in a while, I am...
Recently I have been meeting with various folks, weary of the lull in their current business or lack of work, who want advice on starting a new business as an alternative to continuing their current path (making their current business succeed or finding a job or...
You are standing over the brownies and strawberries at some networking function, and a likely candidate for interest in buying your product or investing in your company looks across the chocolate chip cookies, smiles, and says, “I’m Ron, CEO of Everything.com. What do...
Behaving with impeccable manners is one of your strongest strategies. It builds and sustains your reputation, which as an entrepreneur or a consultant is your most valued asset. Your reputation precedes you in all new introductions, with prospective clients, and with...
During this long recession, getting paid can be tricky, especially if you are an outsider, or if you have lost your status as an employee, and have been hired back as a contractor (part time or full time). Established consultants understand about getting paid (or...
I could not resist re-posting this story, true (as claimed) or not. I laughed out loud and recognized my own impatience with incompetence, both a blessing and a curse. And if I were in need of a good attorney, I would want him or her to be just like this. A New...